How well do you know Dork Diaries 5

Do you think you know the book? Let's find out in this quiz! Pay attention to your book and really , really try!You will do better the harder you try!

Do you really want to find out if you know the book? This test will not pressure you to get it right because you will if you really try!Trust me and try! It isn't hard!

Created by: Kaelyn veltry
  1. What job did Nikki sign up for?
  2. What was the name of the car that took Nikki to the party?
  3. Who had the party?
  4. Did Mackenzie work with Nikki?
  5. Did Brandon work with Nikki?
  6. Did Chloe and Zoey work with Nikki?
  7. Did Nikki like her job?
  8. Did Nikki and Brandon kiss
  9. What was Brianna's newspaper called?
  10. What was dressed like Nikki in Brianna's newspaper?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Dork Diaries 5