How well do you know Dork Diaries?

This quiz will tell you how well you know Dork Diaries. You will learn about Nikki's life and how she hates it. If you didn't read Dork Diaries yet, I don't recommend this quiz.

It will also tell you that Nikki's family is unique. The Maxwell family really puts the "Dork" in Dork Diaries. And how sympathetic Nikki's little sister, Brianna is.

Created by: Jessica
  1. What is Brianna's middle name?
  2. Whose locker is right next to Nikki's?
  3. Who is Mackenzie's little sister?
  4. What "lives" on Brianna's hand?
  5. Who is Mrs. Wallabanger's grandson?
  6. What is Nikki's pseudonym(SOO-de-nim)?
  7. Which relative does Nikki hate most?
  8. How many Dork Diaries books are there?
  9. When does Nikki have her first kiss?
  10. What does Nikki dress up as at Brianna's party?
  11. What school did Nikki transfer to?
  12. Who is Rapunzel?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Dork Diaries?
