how well do you know derkslurp

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this quiz is all about derkslurp and you trying to pass the test!!...................dont mind this jgsopr'gjmiawohnuaw;rnujslhgjskIgjSUKIGnhsjgjdpofgjisojfjogsioggjisogjsi

please don't take this too seriously.........................dont mind this plz wighiSHJFUGSKILUNHGHUDIFGHUISGHUISHGIHSUFGIHSDFGDIUFGHZUFIGHUDIFGHUDIOXGXO

Created by: savage kid
  1. what is he's sexuality
  2. how old is he
  3. what is he's fav drink (should be easy)
  4. does he have a gf/bf
  5. is he a
  6. whats he's gender (if you got this wrong you dont know who this is >___>)
  7. whats he's real name
  8. how much does he earn (from yt)
  9. hair color and eye color
  10. what was he's FIRST video on yt about
  11. whats his ig
  12. who does he film mostly with
  13. whats his TWITTERRRRR
  14. where does he live
  15. whats his zodiac sign

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Quiz topic: How well do I know derkslurp

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