How well do you know DBZ?

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There are a lot of people who claim to know it all in Dragon Ball Z.......but do YOU know it all? Test your knowledge level and see where you stand!!!

IT'S OVER 9000! Are YOU over 9000 in terms of recall information from the hit anime/manga series Dragon Ball Z? Test your power level here and find out!

Created by: SSJ3
  1. Let's start with a warm-up. What is Son Goku's original saiyan name?
  2. What was Goku's initial power level during his fight between Nappa and Vegeta?
  3. Which of the fighters were actually killed by Nappa?
  4. Who is one of the members of the Ginyu Force?
  5. What type of business or organization does Freeza run?
  6. Which of Freeza's forms most resembles his father, King Cold?
  7. What boost does a saiyan get with an oozaru transformation?
  8. Out of all the DBZ villains, canon or not, which one achieved immortality via dragon balls?
  9. Why did Freeza destroy Planet Vegeta, home world of the saiyans?
  10. What was Nappa's position prior to Planet Vegeta's demise?
  11. Who does Piccolo fuse with before fighting Freeza?
  12. What happens after Freeza kills Krillin?
  13. What kind of boost does the Super Saiyan Transformation give?
  14. Who killed Freeza?
  15. Which android is really Dr. Gero?
  16. What was Androids #19 and 20's speciality?
  17. What was #16's original mission?
  18. What was the cause of the mass disappearances in small towns like Gingertown?
  19. Who was the first z-fighter to meet Cell in the present timeline?
  20. When you are in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, a year in there feels like_____ in the real world.
  21. How was Semi Perfect Cell able to absorb Android #18
  22. Why did Goku forfeit his match against Perfect Cell?
  23. What caused Gohan's rage to explode during his fight with Cell?
  24. What happened when Cell was punched extremely hard in the abdomen?
  25. What happened when Semi Cell expanded and planned to destroy the Earth?
  26. How did Cell survive his own self destruct attack?
  27. How did Gohan kill Cell?
  28. Why didn't Goku want to be revived by the Dragon?
  29. Sorry this "quiz" is super long. :) I'll make a Buu saga one later.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know DBZ?