How well do you know Conner from the land of stories?

If you have ever wondered how well you know your favorite Land of Stories character Conner? This quiz will tell you! The instructions on how to take this quiz will be below.

Take this quiz and you will see how well you know this character! You will have lots of fun with this. Answer all the questions and at the end you will receive a final answer.

Created by: BookLover of How well do you know Conner
(your link here more info)
  1. What place in the land of stories does Conner like the most?
  2. What is most important to Conner in life?
  3. What is Conner's personality?
  4. What is Conner's regular clothing choice?
  5. What is Conner's favorite colour?
  6. What would Conner do in his free time?
  7. What does Conner wear the most?
  8. What fairytale story is Conner's favorite?
  9. What kind of student in school is Conner?
  10. How does Conner feel about his twin sister Alex?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Conner from the land of stories?
