How well do you know Brent Rivera?

This quiz is to see how you know Brent Rivera. At the end you will get your score. And this is just for fun not for anything serious. And if you get a bunch or questions wrong, its fine!

I really hope you enjoy taking the quiz. If you do, great! I will try to make more quizzes so go check those out. Good luck with this quiz and lets see how much you know!

Created by: Grace Brooke
  1. How many sibilings does Brent have?
  2. What is Brent's middle name?
  3. What is Brent's Group called?
  4. When is Brent's Birthday?
  5. What year was Brent born?
  6. How tall is Brent? (If you don't know, take a wild guess)
  7. Where did Brent go on vacation with his friends?
  8. How many girlfriends has Brent had?
  9. What is Brent's eye color?
  10. What Hulu show was Brent in?
  11. What year did Brent start Youtube
  12. Where did Brent Rivers start his fame?
  13. Where is Brent from?
  14. Who is Brent's friend?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Brent Rivera?
