How well do you know Brandon?

This is a simple quiz about Brandon. If you got here, you probably know which Brandon is being refered to. If not you should probably not be here and not be taking this quiz. Fool.

So come and take the quiz about me. Please? Just for fun. I won't be offended if you get a low score. Probably. Maybe. Actually, I take back that part about getting offended. Sorry.

Created by: Brandon
  1. Who or what do I love more than anyone or anything?
  2. What kind of music do I NOT like?
  3. What is the name of the band I am in?
  4. Which of the following bands to I dislike?
  5. Which of the following activities do I NOT do?
  6. Who is my absolute favorite guitarist?
  7. What's my favorite country?
  8. Which of the following is NOT one of my favorite video games?
  9. What is my favorite kind of cake?
  10. Which of the following shows do I actually watch?
  11. What is my favorite kind of undead creature?
  12. Which of the following is NOT one of my favorite movies?
  13. Which of the following things do I NOT say a lot?
  14. (Bonus question! This will not hurt your score, but only help it.) What is my favorite webcomic?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Brandon?