How well do you know Big Nate

In this you will take a test to see how much big Nate you've read and how good and smart you are about big Nate. So you should read Some big Nate before you take this quiz

Depending on how much you've read your score will differ, So if you haven't read very much big Nate i'll think you'll get about a 20 or less. Good luck

Created by: anonymous
  1. Did Mrs. Godfrey have a baby?
  2. What is Big Nate's bad name
  3. Who has the second most detentions
  4. Most annoying kid in PS.38 (Nate's opinion)
  5. Nate's best friend
  6. 2nd most annoying person
  7. PS.38's rival
  8. Most popular kid in school
  9. Most played sport
  10. Nate's hobby

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Big Nate
