How well do you know Batgirl?

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Hi, welcome to this quiz. This quiz is a test to see how much you know about this subject. Will you be a not much of a fan person or a know it all in a good way.

This quiz simple asks you a question. You will answer it and tap or click on your choice. The circle next to your chosen choice will then appear filled in. Then you will scroll down to the next one answer and repeat for the following. There will 10 questions for you to answer. Choose wisely because there is only one correct answer for each question.I hope you enjoy and good luck!

Created by: Regan
  1. what is Batgirl's real name?
  2. How old is Batgirl?
  3. Who is Batgirl's mother?
  4. When was Batgirl first created?
  5. How many Batgirls are there?
  6. Who is Batgirl's father?
  7. Who is Batgirl's brother?
  8. What group was Batgirl involved in?
  9. Who was the first villain Batgirl fought?
  10. What is Batgirl?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Batgirl?
