How well do you know 'A Lost Cause'?

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Hey guys! How's it going, horse geeks!! This quiz is to test your knowledge of my book 'A Lost Cause', as the title of the quiz states, which means you need to have read the book before taking this quiz.

There will be ten questions for you to answer pertaining to something to someone in the book. And the more answers you remember from the story, the higher your score will be by the end of the quiz.

Created by: Bethany Hentrich
  1. How did Matthew Bartlett come to Sunshine Ridge Ranch?
  2. What horse made Jenna Tyler famous?
  3. Who is Micah?
  4. Who is known as "the lost Cause"?
  5. Who yells: "Hump Day!!"?
  6. Who is Matt's Favorite Horse?
  7. Why did Vanessa buy Hope?
  8. How does Jenna escape the Mountain Lion?
  9. What song by Francesca Battistelli is referenced throughout the book?
  10. What horse was Jenna taught to ride on?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know 'A Lost Cause'?
