How well do u know me even if you dont know who i am?

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Are u an alien??? Let's se how well do you know me even if you don't know who i am xd. This quiz is a silly and dumb and stoopid quiz that I made cuz yeah y not(I was bored :'v)

I hope u enjoy it, and coment cuz im poor, ok no :vIf your score is like: u dont know anything bout me or you dont know me very well, dont be sad, you can be an Alien. Just listen to ur alien orhooman heart.

Created by: MagicalAlien
  1. Am I an Alien?
  2. how old am i?
  3. were do I live
  4. were DID i live
  5. why did i came to Earth
  6. jhsdudyhcbdhvbcnegfybc
  7. *dab*
  8. k-pop
  9. oh hi hooman
  10. whats my zodiac sign?
  11. are u a hooman?
  12. when I was little, did i wanted to come to Earth?
  13. why do I speak English if im Spanish
  14. do u wnat to be my fwend?

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