How wasted are you?

So you think you can handle your drink.... many do but can you, provr to your friends that you can by taking this test to prove how much of a heavy weight you really are!

Are you a lightweight, will u end up 6 feet under by the age of 21, is the party the place for you or is afternoon tea more appealing, are you a lager lightweight or do you make the best of us look like little girls.

Created by: Sam Myers
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your prefered drink?
  2. How long/often do you drink for at a party?
  3. At a party you will normaly be?
  4. What enspired you to do this quiz?
  5. If your friend is throwing up you will?
  6. If your left in charge of the music you will put on?
  7. If left to your own devises you will most likly!
  8. In your opinion you are?
  9. Your build is ?
  10. How often do you drink?

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Quiz topic: How wasted am I?