How Uzbek are you?

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This is a quiz to tell how Uzbek you are. Let's see what result you get.

This quiz is not accurate, it's just a fun small quiz I made. I am proud Uzbek and also my name not jonathan xD, byebyebyebeyb hayr, endi me'ni halaxt bermang.

Created by: helotherejonathan
  1. Ok first off, what is your real nationality?
  2. Do you like bread?
  3. Who is the current president of Uzbekistan
  4. How do you react when you see same genders holding hands
  5. So what is this for?
  6. How do you answer your parents when they call you?
  7. What do you mostly eat for dinner?
  8. Do you know Uzbek
  9. How do you react when you get a bad grade
  10. Do you know our anthem?

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Quiz topic: How Uzbek am I?
