How Truly emo are you

this quiz is to help you decide whether or not you are truly emo. If you are don't change a th omg of you ain't think about it. Emo is really kool

Have you wanted to know emo. This is the place to find out... Check it now. See how.much.emo. You are. I really wish thRu.this answers a question about yourself that you've ways had.

Created by: Haley Murchison
  1. Do you cut your self because stay think it's hardcore and emo?
  2. Are you doing this.for attention?
  3. Does.cutting yourself make you kool?
  4. Is being emo.all about depression and violence?
  5. In free time would you.rather write poetry online?
  6. Do you often feel.sympathy for others?
  7. Do others.matter?
  8. What does emo mean or.stand for?
  9. What was emo originally?
  10. Is emo anything to be assumed of?
  11. Are emo goth punk and scene almost the same thing?

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Quiz topic: How Truly emo am I