How to Tell If He Likes You?

Ok I am bored why so many words so whatz up this kool comment me so I can make more to help you get things right remember that this is not allwas right ok this is boring comment this.

Hey I am bored, comment this ok? Not a lot now it is too short. Come on it's just a quiz to see if he likes you, is that not enough?

Created by: roxy101101

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you cach him? Her looking at you for a long time?
  2. Dose he smile when you look at him?
  3. Dose he change when it is just you and him?
  4. Dose he smell better?
  5. Dose he have this look like you are the hottest thing in the room?
  6. Dose his pupels dilate?
  7. Do he dress better sence you seen him?
  8. Dose he like what you like now?
  9. Last Q
  10. How did you like the test?

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