How teddy are you?

There are many people in this world, but there is only ONE teddy. Teddy is a legend, the eternal sun of mankind, the keeper of the knowledge. teddy is also coold and handsome and he knows how to make girls happy

Are you great? Sure, but TEDDY is greater then you! If teddy gave you advices you would never get lost! Teddy is a legend! He knows you and he knows girls too ;)

Created by: teddy
  1. How much do you like teddy?
  2. if you would meet teddy inrl what would u do?
  3. Whats teedy's political ideology?
  4. wich leader is teddy like?
  5. teddy's look
  6. what would teddy do with his haters?
  7. what would you buy for teddy?
  8. if you were teddy, what would u do whene u see a hot girl
  9. wich food is teddy like?
  10. what is teddy like?
  11. teddy is
  12. TEDDY IS
  13. teddy is like
  14. teddy is
  15. teddy is mostly
  16. what would u ask from teddy?

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Quiz topic: How teddy am I?