How Stylish Are You?

Well my quiz is about just fashion and what you like to wear it's age apropriate and personally I think its pretty fun enjoy my stylist quiz I hope you like it.

This is not really a boys quiz but boys can take it I guess this quiz is fun exciting and just entertaining so enjoy the quiz and I hope that you get a great score.

Created by: Linzy87
  1. Whats your favorite color?
  2. Which top is better?
  3. Which bottoms are better?
  4. Which go better together?
  5. Which colors go together the best?
  6. Your at the store and you see a purple lamp dress with white wavy strips on it what do you do.
  7. Which is the best store to shop at?
  8. What are thooooose!!!
  9. What color jacket goes best with a red shirt?
  10. Which kind of shoes are the best?

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Quiz topic: How Stylish am I?