How stupid are you?

There are 3 types of people in this world. Smart, average and STUPID! so, which one are you? well go on and find out! This quiz will give you the exact answer!

take this quiz to find out if you are Smart, Average, or just plain ol' stupid. good luck guys/girls! and please rate this! enjoy this! dont be mad with the answer!

Created by: minime
  1. 2+2?
  2. how many sides does an octogan have?
  3. what has t in front t in the middle and t in the end?
  4. what is 5*4, -10, +5, /3?
  5. the magic _ _ _ _ _ _ bus
  6. the mandrian appeared in what iron man film?
  7. m ay
  8. last one. am i cool?
  9. bye
  10. rate this?

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Quiz topic: How stupid am I?