How smart are you/Will you survive?

uhhhhh im looking at the example and it's kinda dump... yea... oh yea! im supposed to put a description here... well ill do it in the next paragraph..

well... this is wehter i think you can survive in the messed up crazy world we live in today... and yes in my mind vampires do exist.. so shut up all those people judging me

Created by: esther
  1. You're alone on an island, with a small food suply and a tent, what do you do first?
  2. You see a vampire, (boy for girls, girl for boys), what do you do?
  3. A thug comes up to you, what do you do?
  4. Ur at a jewelery stor and a guy with a gun walks in, what do you do?
  5. I can't think of any more questins but i need 5 more so im just doing this...
  6. ditto to the last two only 4 more
  7. ditto... 3
  8. ditto...
  9. ditto one more
  10. Ur about to get hit by a car, ur friends telling you to get out of the way, you?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I/will I survive?