How Smart Are You Quiz

I cant think of anything to put here so .......... ffhsdjfhidufhdjhnfdunfhvjvmklmfjhnjfbvfjnbhjbvjfbvndjknvbhjbvnbvjchbjhvbfjbvfjhbbjfhbvfjhvbjhfbjbvg

gsujryfhsuyhjfgudyhrfceruyfheuyrjfhhtfbjghrhfjghvskuerjkfhbjshyrfbkshygfnbsuyjhjguyhgughguyhgjurefhurgfhuyhfgrtuyfghuhjhguyfjhuyhjfuyrhguygryuhyufghuyghryghr ENJOY!!!!!!

Created by: PEARLY
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is 110x10?
  3. Do You Know How To Divide Large Numbers?
  4. If So, What Is 339รท3?
  5. There are 25 cows in a field. All but 17 cows run away. How many cows are left?
  6. What is an old fashioned word for woman?(Hint: If you change a letter it becomes dime)
  7. What Grades Did You/Do You Get In School?
  8. Are you creative?
  9. How much time do you spend on screens?
  10. Do you think that you will get a good score?

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