How smart are you?

Spoiler alert: this quiz has more than just math and science it also has football and video games so get ready for it all cause it will be hard so just take my advice and make sure your ready

Just make sure that right before you take this test make sure you know random facts because lots of them are going to start popping up on this screen so just make sure your ready

Created by: Creation123
  1. 1+1
  2. 3^4
  3. (6í—5)+2+(5í—2)
  4. What does the "P" in PEMDAS stand for
  5. what is the closest planet to the sun called
  6. 4n n=2
  7. VIDEO GAME KNOWLEDGE TIME!!! Pokemon are "blank" creatures
  8. what team won Superbowl I
  9. What team drafted Aaron Rodgers
  10. Tim Tebow was drafted by ? and played for who in college?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?