How pretty are you? (please no offense!)

There are many hot and not so hot people in our world. Are you a top notch gurl/guy! Or a beautiful on the inside person? Either way, you ARE beautiful!

Thanks to this great quiz you will find out what you are! Don't take this personally, ok?! YAY!!!! I LIKE QUIZZES!!!! THIS IS JUST FOR FUN, NOT TO DEPRESS UR LIVES!!! OK!!! ;)

Created by: Autumn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hair?
  2. Skin?
  3. Do you get or have acne?
  4. Do you have back acne?
  5. Your eyes?
  6. Hair color?
  7. Do you have a tattoo?
  8. Favorite kind of food?
  9. What pet do you like or have?
  10. Do any guys/gurls like-like you?
  11. Do you have a bf or gf? Or had one?

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Quiz topic: How pretty am I? (please no offense!)