How pretty are you

People think they are ugly or pretty but you probably want to know if you are or aren't so get ready for the truth and sit back and enjoy the ride lol

Are u pretty or not just remember this is a quiz and isnt very accurate so don't be sad if you get a low score just try it again and see your new answer

Created by: Sophie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you wear make up
  2. Have u dated before
  3. Does someone like you
  4. Do you think your pretty
  5. Do you take sefies
  6. Do you like pikachu
  7. Are you popular
  8. What do you wear
  9. Do you like someone
  10. Are u excited for the answers
  11. Do u like the way you look in the mirror
  12. Last one and BTW this isn't ment to make you feel bad about yourself everyone's perfect the way they are,what's your mood

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Quiz topic: How pretty am I