how pretty are you

this quiz is mostly about how you should take care of your self and what you should do to look your very best. you can probably get every thing right if you take care of your self. this quiz also asks questions that are ture for anyone of all ages

when you take this quiz come in with a set mind. i would also appriciate it if you answer these quesions honestly because the answer are very accurate about heigine. p.s. i wish you the best on this quiz.

Created by: cole

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. do you brush your hair?
  2. how often do you wash yor clothes?
  3. do you bursh your teeth?
  4. have you ever eaten fish without a breath mint?
  5. do you wash your face?
  6. do you sweat easily?
  7. do you bite your nails?
  8. do you chew with your mouth open?
  9. do you yell when ou dont get your way?
  10. do you stay after school to get extra help?

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Quiz topic: How pretty am I