How preppy are you?

This is a friendly quiz that you will be able to answer questions from. The answers are hopefully what you would want and if this quiz angers you, please tell me in the comments.

If you have any concerns about my quiz or think it is offensive, please tell me in the comments and state why it was. Have loads of fun and enjoy the quiz!

Created by: preppy_aimee
  1. Do you normally have Starbucks?
  2. What is mostly your favourite bedroom design?
  3. What is your favourite skincare brand.
  4. It is a free night what do you do?
  5. What is your favourite colour
  6. Vacation! Where are you going?
  7. Snack time! You open the fridge and see the following items, what will you pick?
  8. Your friend is being bullied, what do you do?
  9. What is your favourite clothing brand?
  10. Lastly, did you enjoy this quiz? (This question does not count in your score and it is completely your opinion)

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Quiz topic: How preppy am I?
