How popular are you?

This is a great quiz for learning how popular you really are!Does everyone want to be you?Or does anyone even know you exist?find out in this amazing quiz on popularity!

This quiz is very easy and fun to do! And everybody will want to take it because everybody wants to know how popular other people think you really are! (Keep in mind that the results of this quiz will most likely not be very accurate)

Created by: Rebecca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What friend group do you normally hang out with?
  2. What are you wearing right now ?
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  4. What is your average grade level ?
  5. Favorite T.V show ?
  6. What color hair do you have ?
  7. How many is siblings do you have ?
  8. How long is your hair?
  9. What is your catch phrase ?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How popular am I?