How popular are you?

There are many popular people in this world, but few are THIS popular!!! They probabally don't even know the true definition of popular!!!! You are great!!! I hope you keep up the good work!!!

Are YOU popular??? Do you have what it takes to BE popular?? These are the questions that go through your mind alot, and now, thanks to my quiz, you will soon know the answers to these questions!!!!

Created by: Annasophia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Sparkles or nothing...
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. Where do you shop for clothes?
  4. Boys... Are you comftorable around them (talking to them)????
  5. Clothes... What kind of clothes do you wear??
  6. Hair... How do you wear your hair each day????
  7. Make-up.... How do you wear it???
  8. Are you noesy??
  9. Are you bossy??
  10. Are you rude?

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Quiz topic: How popular am I?