How perverted are you? (Boys only)

Are you a pervert? Wanna find out? Common do this quiz! You will enjoy it, seriously. Enjoy life and find out what you are like. Also please check out my "What Soul Are You?" Quiz.

Also please check out my "What Soul Are You?" Quiz. Lets hope you will get a 0% instead of 100%. Good luck! Moonwolf888, I specifically made this quiz for you so enjoy!

Created by: Jake Gould
  1. Who would you sleep with?
  2. Are you moonwolf888?
  3. Which Eeveelution would you use "Lick" on?
  4. Are you gay?
  5. Do you like boobs?
  6. You like cake or cookies?
  7. Have you ever typed in "bh" in the web?
  8. You like searching "stuff" in the web?
  9. Anime or Games?
  10. Are you a pervert?

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Quiz topic: How perverted am I? (Boys only)

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