How old will you be when you get pregnant?

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Congrats! You are either having a baby young or old! Teen pregnancy can be prevented! You will always have the chance to have a family when you are older.

If you feel you are ready to give up your life, school, friends, parties, etc. go ahead. If not, just don't "do it". Your boyfriend may not understand but then that is when you need to dump him, if he only wants you for your body!

Created by: m
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many kids do you want?
  2. What will you name your baby girl?
  3. What will you name your baby boy?
  4. What gender baby do you want?
  5. What will the baby's name mean to you?
  6. How many failed relationships have you had?
  7. How many times have you "done it" and not gotten pregnant?
  8. Fate?
  9. If 7 birds are sitting on a tree branch and you shoot one of them, how many birds are left on the tree branch?
  10. When you receive a million dollars, what will you spend it on?

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Quiz topic: How old will I be when you get pregnant?