How old are you in your dreams

I love doing quizzes so I decided to make one it hit me when I was lying on my bed as bored as a mouse and then it hit me I took a quiz and on the top it said create a quiz so I did and this is how this quiz is here!!!

About me My name is hayley I live in Alberta i am ten years old my favrite color is green I have two pets one is a dog and her name is ginger and I have a cat her name is Callie I have two brothers and a mom and a dad at school I have lots of freinds at home I have one she is my bbfffl (best buddy friend forever for life)byeee!!!

Created by: Hayley
  1. Are you tall
  2. How old are you now
  3. Do you like doing quizzes??????
  4. What do you think of this emoji-->💩💩💩
  5. You see a flower what do you do🌺🌸🌹
  6. Do you wear bikinis in your dreams👙👙
  7. Do you have a boyfriend in your dreams👫💏
  8. What is your name in your dreams
  9. 🙈🙊🙉😻😻😻😻😽🙊😾🙈💩💩💩
  10. My name is hayley what should my nick name be👸

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Quiz topic: How old am I in my dreams