how nerdy are you

there are many smart , intelligent , brilliant people out there but few are true genius . a genius is afterall exeptional . a genius has an extraordinarily clever mind and is able to solve complex problems and see the world throuh an entirely different point of view and you never know you might be one

are you a true super genious !!!! do you have a brainpower to qualify for that prestigous title? until now you could only wonder . but thanks to this great quiz , with just a few minute you will find out if you are a super genious

Created by: sodiq of [no urls]
(your link here more info)
  1. do u SOmetimes go nut cos v assignments !!!!
  2. decode this to normal english : gniklat drawkcab si looc tnsi ti
  3. what do u do in ur leisure time
  4. ur skul grades
  5. do u always attempt assinments
  6. appearance
  7. is this quiz boring
  8. do u go gaga without studying for a day
  9. how was the quiz
  10. do u look nerdy in eye glasses or braces
  11. do u look nerdy in eye glasses or braces

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Quiz topic: How nerdy am I