How much of a Superman type guy are you?

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Someday you will grow up to be like Superman and be smart and nice. So, why not be like Superman with this survey and see how much of a Superman are you?

You are a superman? Take this survey and see what you mostly are just like for yourself!? So… be more like Superman and not the hulk so you could be smart!

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. Are you patient?
  2. Are you calm?
  3. Does your first name start with the letter S?
  4. What movies you like?
  5. Do you like to wear blue and red?
  6. Are you smart?
  7. What is 27+89?
  8. Are you nice?
  9. Do you like Warner Brothers?
  10. Are you a grown up?
  11. Do you like toys for boys?
  12. Last question… do you like science?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Superman type guy am I?
