How Much Of A Narcissist Are you?

Narcissism is a condition where a person feels an exaggerated amount of self importance and feels as if the entire world owes them something. Narcissists tend to only hang out with people of their stature, that is, other narcissists. They believe that they are special and unique, and no one but selected people deserve their attention.

The term narcissist arises from the ancient king Narcisssus, who was so lost in his own reflection in the river that he killed himself, and a flower grew where he lay dead. Narcissists want all the attention on themselves and are unwilling to listen or pay attention to others.

Created by: Anon
  1. 1. Your age
  2. 2. Your gender
  3. 3. What do you immediately feel after helping someone?
  4. What do you feel after hurting someone?
  5. What do you feel if someone helps you?
  6. 6. Imagine you contribute to something. What is your reaction to it?
  7. 7. What type of a person are you?
  8. 8. Are you a social justice warrior?
  9. 9. How many times are you likely to be wrong?
  10. 10. If someone argues with you, how do you feel?

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Quiz topic: How Much Of A Narcissist am I?

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