How much of a fan of summer are you?

There are people out there that are all about winter and despise the summer. There are also people that think summer is where it is at and would rather never see cold temperatures or snow again. How much of a summer person are you?

Would you rather be sipping your beverage of choice on a patio, with the BBQ grilling up dinner wafting smoke in the background? Or do you think that sitting amongst flies getting too many UV rays is not for you?

Created by: TB
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your outdoor preference is...
  2. My favorite sport is...
  3. My beverage of choice...
  4. If I won the lottery the first thing I'd do is...
  5. If I were the leader of this country the first thing I'd do is...
  6. The glass is half _______
  7. Dining outside is ________
  8. If I had a superpower, I'd want it to be...
  9. My fav colour is...
  10. My favorite type of music is...

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Quiz topic: How much of a fan of summer am I?