How much Magic do you have in you?

Every year a few rare people are given magic that they can use to their ablitly, while they are some who have been given that power, yet do not know how to use it.

Are you that magical person? Or do you have to learn a bit first? Make sure to comment YOUR SCORE ( No offense, it's a test please do not get offended. )

Created by: Ava
  1. Was there a day you wanted something to happen even though it was rare, but it happened anyways?
  2. Do you feel like you could burst with magic at times?
  3. Do you believe you have magic?
  4. Water, air and earth would be your best friends
  5. You'd fit in with fire and lighting better.
  6. Have you tried making a spell/Potion by yourself?
  7. Do you choose to keep your powers to yourself
  8. You have dreamed of magic
  9. You favorite element is..
  10. Love is..

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Quiz topic: How much Magic do I have in you?
