How Much Do You Really Know About Doctor Who?

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I don't really know what to tell you about this quiz... Look at the title I guess. It explains all. This is a required aspect of publishing a quiz... If I didn't have to do this... I wouldn't... Believe me.

Enjoy it... Does anyone actually read these things... I sure don't... Enjoy this quiz for Doctor Who fans!!!

Created by: werewolf
  1. What does TARDIS stand for?
  2. Where is Doctor Who generally set?
  3. What species is the Doctor?
  4. Who has played the Doctor in the reboot of the series?
  5. What is the Doctor's home planet?
  6. Which Doctors meet in the Day of the Doctor episode?
  7. Who were the main companions in series 10?
  8. What animal did the Slitheens dress up as an alien in series 1?
  9. What famous landmark did the Master and the Doctor meet on top of during World War 2 in series 12?
  10. What was the double episode called where children had gas masks attached to their faces and only said 'Are you my Mummy?'

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Really Know About Doctor Who?
