how much do you now about charmed

here are so much people that know so much about charmed. a charmed fan means: that you watch every day to charmed and you know everything about it..

are you a big charmed fan??? do you watch everyday to charmed?? fortunately is here my quiz. now you can find out or you a really big fan of charmed. try out my quiz and you will find out!

Created by: phoebe
  1. who is the oldest in charmed?
  2. who can freezing time??
  3. who had a relationship whit cole/Beltazor
  4. what is the name of the first charmed.....?
  5. who is pipers husband
  6. whats the name off the new charmed one?
  7. charmed is for...
  8. what are paige's powers??
  9. piper,phoebe,preu...?
  10. what is chris
  11. how is the last delivery of charmed called?
  12. how is the mother of the charmed ones called???
  13. for what is phoebe very frightened??
  14. what kind of power have preu?
  15. what kind of work does leo as if he does in the first season
  16. whit who mary paige??

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Quiz topic: How much do I now about charmed