how much do you love your oc?

i just wanna know who loves there oc and who dose not ((side note: IF YOU GET BELOW 40% I HATE YOU!!)) so have fun! ((AND DONT GET UNDER 40%!!)) injoy the quiz

i ask you to commet the name of your oc and what you got so i as the creater know who likes there ocs the best and if you commet the name of your oc and what you got it shows that you read this and that you care ((side note: IF YOU GET BELOW 40% I HATE YOU!!)) good luck!

Created by: shadowblaze
  1. would you all your oc a friend or just something you created that you don't care about?
  2. when did you create your oc? ((no negitive points for this)) ((also dont mind my spelling))
  3. is your oc something you created because of a r.p or forse or ect or was your oc created in spare time?
  4. do you treat your oc nicely?
  5. do you like to call your oc mean names?? ((like ugly, stupid, ect))
  6. do you r.p with your oc??
  7. have you ever wished you were your oc?? ((if you made a book or write about your oc say no))
  8. would you leave your oc at a street corner if he/she/they/them were real??
  9. dose your oc have powers ((mine dose!... well all 5 do....)) ((no negitve points))
  10. are you gonna commet your ocs name and your % down below to show you care??

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Quiz topic: How much do I love my oc?
