How much do you like Sonic?

Now, since most of the world's well-known games include Mario, Call of Duty, Halo, Skyrim, but they also include SEGA's mascot; Sonic the Hedgehog.

How much do you know about the Blue Blur? How old is he? What colour is his fur? What does Sonic collect? Take a look at this quiz to find out. Many a fan have tried this test, you should too!

Created by: Kat

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Sonic's sidekick's proper name?
  2. Who is the one claiming Sonic is her "Boyfriend"?
  3. What does Sonic collect?
  4. How old is Sonic?
  5. What ability does Sonic have?
  6. What species/race is Sonic?
  7. What cartoon series does Sonic star in?
  8. What colour is Sonic's fur?
  9. What colour are Sonic's eyes?
  10. What colour is Knuckles' fur?
  11. Were the questions too easy?
  12. Are you happy to finish the quiz?

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Quiz topic: How much do I like Sonic? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Sonic the Hedgehog Quiz category.