How Much Do You Know Roblox?

This is a quiz to see how much you know about Roblox. How much DO you know? I know! How much you get right! VERY MUCH DUH! (I am trying to publish this quiz)

Your rating will be based on how much you already KNOW, and how much you DON'T know. You will get points up to 6 if its the CORRECT answer. If it is similar you will most likely get more than 1.

Created by: Acsess Denied
  1. When was Roblox originally released?
  2. Which username created Roblox?
  3. When was Roblox in beta?
  4. When was Roblox perfect?
  5. How was Roblox set for computers?
  6. How was Roblox game: Vehicle Legends rated in 2021?
  7. How was Roblox rated in 2021? (I don't know)
  8. I'm running out of ideas.
  9. I need to get ideas please stop here and wait an hour.
  10. I am gonna put random stuff cuz I have 0 ideas other than popu- Which game is a FPS with random weapon swaps?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know Roblox?
