How much do you know Lexi Rivera

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Do you think you know Lexi Rivera? Well, you are about to find out. I have been watching her videos for almost 2yrs now and I have learned a lot about her and still am. What an interesting girl! I basically just want to share my knowledge about Lexi with everybody. Even you! Yes, I mean you! Whoever is reading this, might know more about Lexi more than I do.

I basically just want to share my knowledge about Lexi with everybody. Even you! Yes, I mean you! Whoever is reading this, might know more about Lexi more than I do. This is your time to shine!

Created by: Ana Maria
  1. What is Lexi's real name
  2. When was Lexi born?
  3. What is Lexi's Birth sign?
  4. How many brothers does Lexi have?
  5. Who is Lexi dating?
  6. Who has a crush on Lexi?
  7. What is Lexi scared of?
  8. When did Lexi begin her first YouTube video?
  9. When Lexi does YouTube videos, which does she do the most?
  10. Who is in Lexi's YouTube videos the most?
  11. How many followers does Lexi have on YouTube?
  12. How many follers does Lexi have on Instagram?
  13. What is Lexi known for?
  14. Who is Lexi's favorite brother

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Lexi Rivera
