How much do you know Animal Jam

Do you know Animal Jam? Do you have good luck? Find out today :) i am lazy so turtle grabs stuff and Sally sells sea shells at the sea shore bye people!

Nothing here bear panda life is a box of birds use it wisely and yeah so stuff like that do you ever read this do the quiz now I said stop reading and do the quiz!

Created by: qazxswedc
  1. When was Animal jam released?
  2. which one of these items are beta?
  3. Alright,
  4. Who is Rainbowthecat AJ?
  5. What do jammers want most in a trade?
  6. According to jammers, what is the best breakfast?
  7. What is the pillow room used as?
  8. What do you call a person that takes you items?
  9. What time are you able to play Animal Jam?
  10. Test Your luck!!

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Animal Jam