How much do you know about the Periodic Table of Elements?

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How much do you know about the Periodic Table of Elements do you really know? Sorry if you get a really low score because I used a book to help me think of a lot of these questions. I am pretty sure you can actually view the answers after you do this quiz, so you could do the quiz once and then view the answers after and do it again and see if you can improve your score. Just do not search these questions up while you do this quiz. Please do not cheat. Thank you!

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Created by: ThePeriodicTable
  1. Noble gases are reactive. True or false?They are called Noble Gases, think!
  2. What is Lithium’s atomic number?By the way you should check out the Periodic Table song! It will give the answer for this!
  3. Gallium was discovered in the year 1875. True or false?
  4. What element was discovered in 1886?
  5. Which of the elements below used to be found in batteries?
  6. Which is the 84th element of the Periodic Table?
  7. Francium is found in:
  8. Bismuth is:
  9. Which element is very rare? This is the one which only has ever had a few atoms of it, and another clue. It is named after someone!
  10. Which element is named after someone? I will also give you another clue which is it is an Actinide!
  11. Rutherfordium was discovered in the year:
  12. Phosphorus is called the Devils Element. Is this true or false?
  13. Easy question: Is poiijnbvg an element?
  14. Easy question: Hydrogen is number:
  15. Easy question: Is Yuinium an element?
  16. Chalk is made of:By the way just check the picture, the picture for this quiz has it! This is really easy!

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the Periodic Table of Elements?

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