How much do you know about the four hogwarts houses

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This trivia is all about testing your knowledge about Harry Potter and the four Hogwarts houses and putting it to the test so lets see how you do on this amateur quiz.

Keep in mind that this quiz is for fun it does not mattter what you get it is about how fun it is but please share your score with me in the comments below.

Created by: HarryPotterSlay
  1. Which two combinations of colours are Gryffindor?
  2. Which two combinations of colours are Hufflepuff?
  3. Which two colour combinations are Ravenclaw?
  4. Which two colour combinations are Slytherin
  5. How are students sorted into their houses?
  6. What is Gryffindor's mascot?
  7. What is Hufflepuff's mascot?
  8. What is Ravenclaw's mascot?
  9. What is Slytherin's mascot?
  10. What attributes does Gryffindor look for ?
  11. What attributes does Hufflepuff look for?
  12. What attributes does Ravenclaw look for?
  13. What attributes does Slytherin look for?
  14. Which is the best house?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the four hogwarts houses
