How much do you know about SWAG?

There are many people that think they have and know a lot about swag: but few people actually do. Take this quiz to find out if you are a true master of swag and if you can go brag to your friends about it!

Are YOU swaggy? Do you think you have what it takes to be a SWAG-MASTER!?!? Few people score higher than 70% on their first try, but if you do: BE PROUD!! BECAUSE YOU ARE A SWAGGY, AWESOME, BEAST!!

Created by: CupcakesRuler
  1. What is the swaggiest accessory?
  2. Is there an official song about swag?
  3. What is the definition of "swag"?
  4. Which of these youtubers has the MOST swag?
  5. What animal has the most swag out of these?
  6. Which of these colors is totally NOT swaggy?
  7. What do you have to do to get swag?
  8. Which of these celebrities does NOT had swag?
  9. Which of these foods is the least swaggiest?
  10. Pick the lucky swag face.

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about SWAG?