How much do you know about space?

This tests your knowledge of space. See how much of a space nerd you are! You may know nothing, but you may not need to study for that science test. We'll see.

Do you suk or are u good? Knows, no one does. Suck, you may. Good, you must do. Seriously, you might fail that science test. If you fail this quiz, you fail the test.

Created by: Thicc
  1. What was the first man-made object in space?
  2. Who was the first person in space?
  3. First Country in space
  4. What was the first space station?
  5. What was the first crewed spacecraft?
  6. Who was the first woman in space?
  7. True/False: Pluto is a planet.
  8. The moon "Titan" orbits which planet?
  9. What space probe visited Saturn?
  10. The planet with most missions to is what?
  11. What protects earth from asteroids and radiation?
  12. Which planet is closest in size to Earth?
  13. What is the hottest planet in the solar system?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about space?
