How much do you know about shopkins

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Some people collect zelfs,others collect pennies, I collect shopkins! Shopkins are cute little items from shopville who have big personalities like you and me.

Take this quiz to find out if you really are the ultimate super shopper after all. This quiz is complex so I hope you know your facts. I wish you luck!!!!

Created by: random
  1. What colors do wobbles from season one come in?
  2. What is the name of the shoppie added in season four with green hair?
  3. What kind of pet is dinky drink?
  4. What is the rarity of shopkin Casper cap from season 3?
  5. Prickles season four is a common
  6. Which season four shopkin is the first to appear on the list?
  7. What was the original season one blind bag color?
  8. What is the code (found on the checklist) of flushes blue?
  9. What is juicy oranges personality like?
  10. There is a candy food fair pack
  11. What type of food is fairy crumbs?
  12. What error did moose toys make on the shopkin a season four check list?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about shopkins