How much do you know about Nine Lives?

Nine Lives is a story about Shapeshifters- cats. Here, you can find out if you are an expert on the first book, and the characters? Do you know all the pairings?

Do you really know about it? Some of the questions are easy, while others... not so much! G-O-O-D L-U-C-K! Hope you get a good score. The quiz can be hard!

Created by: Arrow
  1. Who is the main character?
  2. What is Matt's full name
  3. How many Gangs are there?
  4. What are the two leaders?
  5. What is Tricks position?
  6. Who was the first Shifter that Matt saw at school?
  7. Who is Chyralis' mate?
  8. Out of these, who is a Wanderer?
  9. How old was Volf when he first transformed?
  10. Where does Matt first see Quitarah Skygs in human form?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Nine Lives?