How much do you know about my username?

Some people know me, Some people are good at guessing, Some people are just very very lucky but some people are just cheats. Which are you? Take this quiz about my username fairly and we'll see what your result is.

So how well so you know me? Have you even heard of my name before? Whichever it really doesn't concern me.. Just have your best attempt at my quiz and I'll be happy.

Created by: hey2k10v
  1. In YOUR mind, How many elements to my username are there?
  2. This doesn't effect anything, but do you like my username?
  3. Ok, Onto the real questions not opinion ones... What do you believe the 'hey' means?
  4. What does the 2k10 mean?
  5. Look closely at my name... hey2k10v.. are there any elements that have been missed?
  6. So there's finally the V.
  7. What do you think the V means?
  8. So this is just memory.. is the letter V a capital or small letter
  9. So do you think my username was my first choice?
  10. What did you think of the quiz?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about my username?