How Much Do You Know About Justin Bieber

This quiz is about learning Justin Bieber. I mean, if you love him, and you want to learn more about him, why not take this quiz, you'll have to guess if you don't know an answer, but if you get it wrong, no worries, because your learning about him!

I'm sure you might want to at least try first, I mean, why not give it a shot. Also you may feel like your gonna fail, but if you do, You can always try again another day!

Created by: Amber
  1. What is Justin Bieber's favorite color?
  2. Where did justin bieber come from?
  3. Where is he from?
  4. Now this may be tricky...What is his favorite junks foods (hint: there is two junk foods)
  5. What is justin bieber's favorite food?
  6. justin bieber used to have a crush on.....
  7. What song did Justin sing to Selena Gomez at his concert when he had a broken leg from skateboarding?
  8. How did justin get famous?
  9. In the song "Pray" the music video was about
  10. now im not going to make this too tricky but....did he something about that he was going to dye his hair?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Justin Bieber